Swamp Biome


Swamps are home to all manner of predators, be they mosquitoes, giant snakes, or crocodiles. Dragons don't tread here, as there is no easy access to the sky. Parasaurs eat the aquatic vegetation and plants, so many herds call it home. While the swamp provides heavy protection from large land predators, they need to drink at the water's edge with their guard up, or risk being a meal to a much more ruthless predator that doesn't care if you're squirming or not before they start to eat you.

Dinosaur Population

The swampy biomes are home to large snakes, annoying mosquitoes, giant crocodiles, and poisonous frogs. Parasaurolophus herds come here often to feed on the aquatic plants, and who could pass up a mud bath to keep away the bugs and cool down? Allosaurus will poke around the swamps in the summer, looking for anything that might be sluggish in the heat and drying waters for an easy meal. Because of their size, Utahraptors stay far from swamps. Nothing in this mucky death-trap is worth it to them.

→ Permanent Species:
° Parasaurolophus

→ Temporary/Seasonal Species:
° Allosaurus

→ Incompatible Species:
° Utahraptor

Dragon Population

No dragons live in the swamps as the thick canopy of large leaves and intertwining branches make flight impossible. The only time any dragon can be seen here, it's a Razorwhip looking for the finest slugs. Naturally disrespectful to basically anything, they will burn and slice through the canopy to find slugs, not caring what shade they destroy, much less the nest of any animals.

→ Permanent Species:
° N/A

→ Temporary/Seasonal Species:
° N/A

→ Incompatible Species:
° Stormcutter
° Razorwhip
° Skrill